
About Us

The very first post was just to cover the basics but I will do it again and explain everything I guess, my name is Cody Thomas. I was born in Arkansas but raised in southern Missouri, I have always had this drive to break things down just to see how they work because for some reason it fascinates me. There has always been something torn apart or being torn apart in my bedroom and in the garage and it pretty much was a hobby I suppose.

At the age of 17 life took a turn and I decided to sign the papers to enlist in the U.S. Army Reserves, there were a lot of hard times just trying to get to the point of signing the papers but my job in the reserves is a wheeled vehicle mechanic with recovery qualifications. High School was no problem to finish but life would never be the same again. I'm not crazy or anything but the military does change you... anyway throughout time I have had multiple jobs and tried college to find out what I truely want to do but I just know that there is always going to be that unsatisfied urge to "tinker" with vehciles.

In November 2014 Penmac Staffing called me to tell me that they had a job for me and they thought I would be best suited for the postiion, and here I am today working at Thompson Sales Company one of the best places to work, in my opinion. I will continue on this track until life takes me somewhere else but for some reason I don't think I will be going anywhere.

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